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  • Luke LUBO4930

P3: DayDream Video Project

Artist Statement:

For my daydream animation project, I was initially very worried as to how I was going to get this assignment done. I had never done any sort of digital animation and was uncertain about all of the Adobe software that we were required to use. Nevertheless, through the pop quizzes and many YouTube videos, I was finally able to pull something together. I wanted to make my animation something that was personal to me, and therefore I decided to include both passions and struggles from my childhood within the animation. The passions are more outright and obvious within the animation. I included audio, imagery, and text that relates to many things I held close to my heart as a child. The first of which appears in the opening credits with a blatantly obvious Star Wars reference (both auditory and visual). The next reference comes solely in an auditory form, the final Jeopardy theme song. This song seemed to always get stuck in my head as a child and to this day I still hear it on occasion. The next, and most powerful reference to my childhood comes in the form of Super Mario. I loved my outdated version of Super Mario Brothers when I was younger. I felt it was necessary to include it in the animation due to the countless hours I spent playing on that tiny screen. The final reference to my childhood passion comes at the very end with Porky Pig saying his signature “That's all Folks!” The final aspect of my childhood that I included was a reference to my struggles in school. I was never able to fall asleep and many nights I would end up pulling an unwanted, accidental all-nighter. This was a recurring problem for me, but would never fail to show up the night before an exam. I was never able to sleep and that would always be reflected in my exam grade. I hope you all enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed creating. Thank you!

About Me


I'm a student at the University of Colorado in Boulder with an avid appreciation for all things art. Throughout my time in Boulder, I've tried to build upon my relationship with art. Recently, I've found myself immersing myself in everyday art, specifically through photography. I've begun to find beauty in the mundanity of everyday landscapes.

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