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  • Luke LUBO4930

Project 4: Webventure

Updated: May 4, 2023

Artist Statement: For my final project, I decided to piggyback off my idea for Project 3. When starting a new project I always need to solidify a theme in my head. This allows me to visualize what the final outcome may look like. This is the beginning stage of my process and I truly believe it helps me narrow my mental image down as I make progress. This project was no different as I started with a simple feeling; Nostalgia. A lot of things in this world give me nostalgia, but not many rivals that of the video games I played as a child. They didn't make up my entire childhood and most of the time I was not allowed to play these games, but I think this feeling of exclusivity that this gave, heightened the feeling of nostalgia. I can't help but feel nostalgic when seeing imagery related to games like Super Mario, Pokemon, Pac-Man, Sonic, and even Dig Dug. These games made up such special memories during my childhood that I feel I should pay them some sort of respect through my art. For this project, I wanted to create a journey where the traveler can see how each of these games was important to me. I did this through the inclusion of riddles. I think having that barrier to entry was reminiscent of the chores or sports practice I had to endure before I was able to play video games. I think this is a common memory among lots of us and I wanted to touch upon that. I hope you enjoy playing the game!

About Me


I'm a student at the University of Colorado in Boulder with an avid appreciation for all things art. Throughout my time in Boulder, I've tried to build upon my relationship with art. Recently, I've found myself immersing myself in everyday art, specifically through photography. I've begun to find beauty in the mundanity of everyday landscapes.

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