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  • Luke LUBO4930

Brainstorm Blog 3

I plan on centering my project around a student in class who has drunk too much coffee in anticipation of an upcoming project, exam, or presentation. The opening video will be of the student sitting at a desk with multiple cups of empty coffee. He/she is unable to contain themselves due to the amount of caffeine they have consumed and is constantly moving and twitching in their seat while class is going on. I plan on having them constantly move their leg and scratch at their neck, etc. It will be made obvious that this student has consumed more caffeine than the average student. I then want to incorporate my flashback/daydream sequence through a caffeine-induced hallucination. Within this hallucination, the student meets a wise mythological creature who helps him reduce his stress and anxiety in other ways than just caffeine. The creature is wise but also very strange and is a figment of the student’s imagination. The creature and the student go on a journey to get the student back into his body/mind in his class. Throughout the caffeine journey the creature is able to help the student understand that the exam is not as big of a deal as he has made it out to be. The end of the journey sees the student return to his body in class. The student is bewildered by his experience and looks down at his cup of coffee. Upon inspection, he realizes that the coffee is just normal coffee and throws it away. The moral of the story is not to stress out over the little things and not to drink too much coffee.

About Me


I'm a student at the University of Colorado in Boulder with an avid appreciation for all things art. Throughout my time in Boulder, I've tried to build upon my relationship with art. Recently, I've found myself immersing myself in everyday art, specifically through photography. I've begun to find beauty in the mundanity of everyday landscapes.

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